Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Magritte: The Mystery of the Ordinary,"

For this extra credit assignment I selected Magritte's painting titled "la reproduction interdite" (Not to be reproduced). This piece is considered a portrait even though the subject's face is not depicted. In the painting you can see a man looking at a mirror and the mirror shows a reflection of the back of his head, while the book in the bottom right corner is properly reflected. This defies reality in my mind because naturally I expected the mirror to show the man's face and not the back of his head. At first glance you understand the image, but then it forces you look again and reality sets in as you realize the mirror is not reflecting a face the way it would in real life. I believe this new perspective shows how we as humans are so dependent and sure about the small details in the world around us, that when we encounter a work of art that is different from our accepted understanding, it makes us question our reality. 

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